
Showing posts from 2017

Nigerian Woman Steps Out Wearing Unusual Sunglasses (See Pics) : Tari Taribo's Blog |

Nigerian Woman Steps Out Wearing Unusual Sunglasses (See Pics) : Tari Taribo's Blog |

Nigerian Woman Steps Out Wearing Unusual Sunglasses (See Pics) : Tari Taribo's Blog |

Nigerian Woman Steps Out Wearing Unusual Sunglasses (See Pics) : Tari Taribo's Blog |

NHIS Boss, Usman Yusuf, Suspended Indefinitely By Minister Of Health, Isaac Adewole : Tari Taribo's Blog |

NHIS Boss, Usman Yusuf, Suspended Indefinitely By Minister Of Health, Isaac Adewole : Tari Taribo's Blog |


Comments are free but facts are sacred so said the sages but here is a man who should know better than playing the politician with every issue  Nation building is a  long time endeavor not just about winning elections.vile talks, vain discussions will not build a nation other than creating bitterness and division. FFK is a sword,  not a knife . PDP as a party is far from being normal after OBJ shredded their identity and credibility with Nigerians. look at the scenario of the Wicca of otta tearing his PDP membership card .OBJ destroyed the ladder he used to climb to power.Ironically he broke the ladder Atiku could as well used to power WHAT  FFK NEED TO CONCENTRATE ON IS HOW TO RESTORE THIS LOST CREDIBILITY WITH NIGERIANS .VILE WORDS, SPEWING CHAOTIC WORDS OF RESENTMENT WILL NOT DO THE WORK. Comments

The Heart of Feud

 CHAPTER 1 HEART OF FEUD Dakiim’s father, Doka [  and his grandfather were adventurous traders right from time but Dakiim tends to believe his grandfather’s story. That was in Ghana of early independence. In the fifties, Ghana was where to be as the stories go. Gold was where  Nkrumah wanted Ghana to be a home of all Africans.Busia thought differently. He sent foreigners packing. The Dakiim’s grandfather ,Sanaa, was there when things were happening.Sanaa was a foreigners who made were his bread and butter is his home.  Sanaa persona was propped on experience and his trade exploits. He engaged in all kind of trade that will wade off hunger or put food in his mouth. In a good mood, he starts some of his talks with, “I know”.  Sanaa knows the Hausa’s and the Igbo very well.He tried to educate Dakiim of his native country Naija by ways of anecdote and humorous prejudice. Sanaa was a polyglot from many years of sojourn in Ghana and from Gangan. Gangan was where Sanaa was bor